February 2021 Numerology Guide: Enchanting Support

February is an Enchanted Forest. Wanna know how to mine its special magic?

In this month’s guide learn:

  • Why this 7 Universal Month can initially feel foggy and anxiety-provoking
  • What you MUST do to use its special magic (and to manifest through BIG changes and upheavals)
  • And I reveal the February Numerology Challenge, where we all surrender so we can experience MIRACLES that we otherwise wouldn’t have had access to…

The February Numerology Challenge: 7 Days of Magical Guidance


  1. Block out 7 straight days this month to do the challenge.
  2. Every morning (has to be morning!) for 7 consecutive days, engage in a spiritual routine. You could do meditation, prayer or visualization. Whatever you like!
  3. When you are done connecting, say this: “I am open to magical guidance today. I am listening. What bold action am I inspired to take?”
  4. Go do it. You will be led.

If you want to know what I do for my spiritual practice, subscribe to my newsletter to receive The Beginners Guide to the Zero where I detail my 3-5 minute visualization technique on page 2.

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WANNA WORK WITH ME? Click HERE to book a session or a program. Email me with any questions. <3

BIG, warm hugs…

P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you need extra support this month. And head over to my YouTube channel where I am posting a Numerology video every Friday morning!

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


7 comments to " February 2021 Numerology Guide: Enchanting Support "

  • Katie

    Hey, Nat! My favorite advice you ever gave for a 7 month was to “get your meddling monkey mind out of things” and to “sit back, relax, and surrender.” I love the way you put that. With all my medical issues this last year, I’m taking pretty much whatever life throws at me. I’m back to meditating and doing yoga every morning, and I’m finding that I’d go crazy without it. I’m so ready for some adventure and some change. I recently ended two really unhealthy friendships, and I didn’t realize until they were gone how much these people were holding me back. I am so open to anything and everything the 7 has to offer this month! Happy Valentines’ Day!

  • Philippe Chapel

    Dear Nathalie,

    I listen and am addicted to your Monthly podcasts since January 2020, I want to share that the February 2021 podcasts is one of the top 3 most inspiring ones……it sounds like an Enchanted Forest…
    Thank you so much for what you guide me to and create in my life since the start of last year!

    Be Blessed and be well,

  • Lia

    Dear Nat, this wonderful message could not have come in a better moment! I took a bold decision and quit my job yesterday! ? a job that was not fulfilling! I listened to my intuition and want to invest my time in my real
    Purpose in life! I took the leap of faith and surrendered! Suddenly I got a little afraid and then your message came along and gave me all the confidence! I will totally do try morning routine and let myself be guided further through the forest! I love this metaphor! I did feel lost and I don’t see the whole picture yet or what is there to come so I just trust ???

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