Your 2021 Yearly Numerology Guide (and January Forecast!): A Cosmic Elevator is Here!

The new year is here, and it’s a drastic shift from 2020! Wowza, and yay!

In the 2021 Yearly Forecast (that starts at 2:04) learn: 

  • What 2020 was all about… and what it taught us
  • The energy that 2021 holds and the gift that it wants to bring into your life
  • Some of the negatives that could show up this year (and what to do about them!)
  • And my 3 key tips to be successful in such a powerful year of transformation

In the January 2021 Monthly Forecast (that starts at 21:00) you will learn:

  • The beautiful things that are potential in January
  • What you MUST avoid if you want to hit the ground running in this New Year
  • How to be a phenomenal healer for yourself and your loved ones ASAP
  • And your first, simple cosmic assignment of the year to start to transform (or recover) your life

Listen in below to access the free audio!

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The Top 3 Ways to Make 2021 Your BEST YEAR YET!

  1. Reframe the inevitable challenges (that ALWAYS come in a 5 Universal Year) as opportunities for growth and positive change.
    • Call a supportive friend or family member. You don’t have to face changes alone.
    • Write out a list of 10 reasons you are grateful for this challenge or obstacle, so you can embrace the change and move forward ASAP!
  2. Get clear on what you want to change in 2021. What would make your life better? What kind of improvements do you want to see? What kind of positive changes are you wanting to experience? Write down two specific improvements that you want to make.
  3. Get outside of your comfort zone for these goals. For each improvement above, ask yourself, ‘What will I need to change so that I can help make this happen? “Get outside of your comfort zone for your dreams, not your past.”

The January 2021 Numerology Challenge: Reframe What You’re Responsible For


  1. Write the following sentence down, and put it in a visible place: “I am not responsible for other people’s thoughts, feelings or decisions. I am responsible for my own body, my own dreams and my own life.”

BIG, warm hugs…

P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you need extra support this month. And head over to my YouTube channel where I am posting a Numerology video every Friday morning!

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


8 comments to " Your 2021 Yearly Numerology Guide (and January Forecast!): A Cosmic Elevator is Here! "

  • Katie

    I can’t wait for this 5 Universal Year. 2020 was a nightmare. Guess who just fell head over heels for a guy who was just trying to cheat on his girlfriend? Yep, this chick. I was mortified when I found out he was already spoken for. I’m so sorry about your house and your COVID diagnosis. I can’t wait to get my vaccine and get the hell out of my house. I am so excited to not even recognize my life by the end of the year. My best friend keeps encouraging me to send a message or friend request to my high school crush, who I’ve never really gotten over. My guilty pleasure is creeping on his Facebook page. Taking that chance is going to be hard for this 4 Life Path. I’m definitely misusing the 5 right now. I’m cranky as all hell from missing this man. He is my domestic bliss. Always has been. I have to stop distracting myself with other people’s bullshit. Happy New Year, Nat! ?

    • Nat @ Nat's Numbers

      Ugh. I’m so sorry you ran into a bad apple of a guy. Don’t give up. There are LOTS of good ones out there… but typically WE have to change (where we go, what we do, how we interact) to find the new caliber ones. 😉 That’s what 2021 is all about – US changing the way we move through life. Big hugs!

  • Ron

    I’m a 5 life path, with three 5’s in my chart. My name is a 1 . My life has always been a little wild.

  • Richard Salvatore Esposito

    What is required to prepare a personal chart for me, Fees etc. ASAP
    Please let me know what is entailed to have to you
    prepare my personal Numerological outlook for 2021.

    Thank you,
    Richard Salvatore Esposito

    • Nat @ Nat's Numbers

      Hey Richard! Click on the ‘work with me’ button at the top of my website to get all the details! 😉

  • Katie

    Hey, Nat! Me again. I already had my first huge transformation of 2021. A longtime friend canceled her Facebook, on the basis of seeing “too much negativity” (translation: too much Trump-hating.) This friend lives in a different state and time zone, and she was next to impossible to get a hold of, even when she was on Facebook. She’s a sweet person and I wish her well, but I can’t honestly say I miss her much. We had nothing in common anymore. Time to find friends I have more in common with. Bring on the changes this year promised to bring!

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