September 2019 Forecast: NOW’S the Time to Let It Out & Let It Fly!

This is a potent and powerful DOUBLE 3 month where your words materialize FAST and PROUD. Listen in to find out how to use your voice in September to materialize what matters to you.

Details on the 30 Day Speak-What-You-Want challenge:

  • Speak about what inspires you each day this month.
  • Try your best to speak only about what you want versus what you don’t want or what you don’t like.
  • If you have a complaint, turn it into a request instead.
  • If you catch yourself being negative, celebrate that you caught it (Yay! I caught it!) and immediately talk about what it is that you DO want or need.
  • And if you want to take it to the next level, communicate openly to the people around you what you have been holding back about what inspires you, uplifts and what you want to build.

Follow me as I embrace this challenge! Head over to my Instagram account where I will be posting every… single… DAY (OH MY GAWWWD, my 7 Hermit Personality Number is SHOOK). 

We are in this together – and I am at your side. #30dayspeakwhatyouwantchallenge #numerologychick

Ps. If you are joining me in the challenge, comment below! I’d love to hear from you!

WANNA WORK WITH ME THIS MONTH? Click here to book a session or a program. <3 I can’t wait to talk with you!

P.S. Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


36 comments to " September 2019 Forecast: NOW’S the Time to Let It Out & Let It Fly! "

  • Katie

    Hi Nat! First I want to thank you for sticking to numerology in your forecasts and not cramming a bunch of different modalities into your videos and podcasts. A few of my other astrologers have become astrologers/tarot readers/numerologists, and it gives me a headache. I like that you go into detail about just the numerology. I am all about this month’s challenge, but I have to admit I’m a little scared. I’ve mentioned my screenplay to a few people, and they seem supportive. I’m having writer’s block right now. I’m trying to work up the guts to speak up about the feelings I still have for someone from my past. He’s always been the one. That’s where I get stuck. When my heart is on the line. My movie is based on us, though. That’s helping a little. I am all about this challenge! Bring it on! Happy September!

    • Nat @ Nat's Numbers

      I am scared with you. And we’re going to do it anyway! 🙂 The point isn’t whether they reciprocate or applaud. The point is to be the #1 supporter of what matters to us. And when we do that? The magic of magnetism happens.

  • Love your message and reminder to share our passion and follow our dreams! Yes, I will join you for the next 30 days in speaking and doing the work and sharing the joy and passion I experience when focusing on my true life’s work. Many blessings.

    • Elly

      I feel so excited! I love this clean slate of my life! I want to teach qi gong to the masses. I want to see people pulling down the sun’s energy in the streets ? I can’t wait to unchain my voice and be unapologetically me. Also, I secretly wanna be an actress????
      I ❤U

      • Nat @ Nat's Numbers

        <3 I LOVVVVVVVE this, Elly! "see people pulling down the sun's energy in the streets" you. are. sparkles.

    • Nat @ Nat's Numbers

      So excited for you and I! By September 30th, things will be different. 😉

  • Charles mcnabb

    Hello interested in you!

  • Doug

    Thanks again Nat – would reiterate what Katie said: being a specialist is soooooooo important and the fact you’ve gone so in-depth with numerology really shines through in everything you do. You tap into aspects that no-one else does. On a lighter note, everything you say always seems to come to pass towards the end of the month – I don’t know if this is subconscious on my part or the way my numbers align! Thanks again.

  • Jenny

    Hi Nat, I’m in for the 30 day challenge, sounds perfect way to move forward for me in this moment! I’ve been listening to your monthly forecasts for quite awhile now, I love them thanks so much, they have helped me navigate my way incredibly, thru some difficult moments, it’s really been amazing! I am always super duper happy when I see you have posted as I think of what great wisdom you are about to let me into! Thank you for being so awesome! ?? ?

  • Jennifer

    Nat!! I had to stop the podcast half way through and start editing my article and writing my book because I want to protect it so badly, but the thought of having it ‘wilt’ broke my heart!!! I cant stand keeping it inside any longer!!! Thank you so much!!

  • Ronnie

    Natalie, I will join you on th 30 Day Speak What You Want Chalenge.

  • Gary

    Thank God, speaking my language. I’m a Virgo and all this prior dilly-dallying bullshit is over. Let’s get some shit done.

  • Awesome, I knew you were kickass for a reason. lolol I’m a 5. You?

  • Lorenz

    Hi Nat thank you so much for your work. I’m just growling out of a very dark place and hearing your sweet voice and your incredible wisdom gives me shivers down my spine and tears of happiness. Your podcast is for me like my monthly present.
    A cocktail of truth and pain packed up with the wrapping of unconditional love.
    You know the beauty on your podcast is there is no ego. It’s the Devine consciousness just speaking through you in the code of numbers.
    Yes I am up for the challenge as I think it will help me to be able to shine my light again.
    Thank you again

  • Lorre Black

    Hi Nat! I will definitely be joining your 30-day challenge to Speak what I Want. I planted my SEEDS in August in FUN. Now it’s time to Water and Sun them through communication to the Universe. Let it OUT. Give it AIR to breathe. My main intention is to communicate to my guides and angles. I also have 3 goals: share my story, give a talk at a Citizens for Unity meeting and apply for a “Show Us Your Success” competition. Being fearful, I will begin now. I will share my heart’s desire. My heart’s desire is to work with Vishen Lakhiani of Mindvalley to help raise the collective consciousness to a tangible high. Through Kindness. My mission statement is this: My name is Lorre. I create. For others. A pathway to Kindness through my Ubi (pronounced “u-be) Umbrella and book set. I mailed 2 sets to Vishen making it clear (I hope) that I want to work with him. I envision my gift from the Universe — my Ubi Umbrella — being passed in kindness from person to person at A-Fest. Ultimately, I want to start a campaign One Umbrella at a time. One child at a time. One relationship at a Time. Proceeds going to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Enormous! I know. Thank you for giving me this platform to express what I want. p.s. I am a 6. Double 3. xoxox. Kind is in Kindred. Lorre Black p.s. I do have a websit: Mentioning it here because I am unable to list on this site so I may post my comment. Also, I have The Gift of the Ubi Umbrellas on FB.

  • Esther

    Hi Nat,

    Not sure how this all works. Numerology or any of it. But I like how you speak. This is my first time hearing you and seems to make sense. My life is crazy but I know I can feel the changes coming on. I look forward to hearing your videos this month.

  • Paul

    Thanks I’m challenging myself, see you in instagram

  • Diane Matuszewski

    Hi Nat,

    So exciting I am ready to challenge myself. I’m ready to speak up. Thank you for the opportunity.

  • June Portale-Haines

    I’m going to do the challenge. I’m new to all of this!

  • Martin

    The very moment you said repeating numbers I looked at the time and it was 11:11 Come ON!

  • Suzanne

    Oh my, I have hiding, and repressing, and it’s taking a toll on me! How do I get out of this?

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