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Episode 57 – You thought you were supposed to be doing it for them? You thought that being of service meant that you are supposed to cater to and yield to the audience? Nah. August is going to throw that false idea on its head. This powerful, high-intensity month will call you to step into your spiritual leadership so you stay foot-to-your-selfish-and-yet-benevolent-inspirational-path. Listen in to find out more.
Ps. What is the discovery that you have made about what inspires you? Declare it below!

WANNA WORK WITH ME? Click here to book a session or a program. <3 I can’t wait to work with you!
P.S. Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
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26 comments to " August 2019 Numerology Forecast: Awaken the Spiritual Leader "
David Francisco Lewis Ortiz
Bringing souls to Christ. Making music that people want to hear. Influencing the game. Leaving my mark in in a positive way.
What inspires me? I had a huge, lightning bolt epiphany about that just an hour ago. I was sitting in a movie theater, watching the new Lion King movie. I was mad less than two minutes into this film, because the writers omitted my favorite line from the original cartoon movie. You can’t write out the funniest line in a movie. This was the moment when I decided to start writing that screenplay I’ve been promising myself I was going to write since I was sixteen. What an inspiring moment. Happy August, Nat!
Lorrayne Robbinz
Hi Nat
You have definitely hit the nail on the head…
Last year I put myself in debt to self published a book about my family’s traumatic experience, but because I realised it wasn’t just my story to tell and my kids aren’t ready to open up about it yet, I had to use another name to at least put it out there to help others!
However because I tried to ask for help from the powers to be to be able to have it donated to libraries and community centres I got the ‘pass the buck’ attitudes from all those to whom I sent a copy of my book!
I became disillusioned and at the same time I heard that similar traumatic circumstances have affected another of my own generation, which knocked me for six feeling guilty I hadn’t written my book earlier to prevent the abuse of children!
Your podcast reignited to do something bigger with my story like try to get it to film through someone like Reece Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman to make a film with an impact to try and get the message out there sooner in a big way rather than in a book one reader at a time!
I’ve realized just in writing my book it’s helped me, but not until my whole body almost fave up on me for holding it in me for over 20 years!
I want people to get the proper help as soon as they can and by treating the family as s whole for everybody to get the help they need individually as well as a whole family because it affects each one differently and also not just the one generation but everyone connected to you!
I tried to do that at the time but because of my stance I was ostracised by most of my community and found myself with no one to talk to…not even helplines because I was ‘going against societies look on it all’
Thank you! I’m not sure how I’m going to do it because right now I’m still trying to heal from a lot of things…all aspects of my life have been one of the lowest points…they say you have to hit rock bottom to get back up again!
You’ve helped me think there could still be hope and it doesn’t cost much to send the few books I have left to those kind of influential people to get the help to more people faster!
I love your podcast and monthly reports on Numerologist.com…I also hope to create some kind of business with Numerology as I have come to believe everyone needs to be reminded of their strengths and weaknesses and get to know themselves again…I do it as a hobby at the moment and am fascinated by reactions from people just from their birthdates because numbers don’t lie! I could talk for hours about that too!
So thank you for helping me along the way and helping me keep on track as much as possible!
I look forward to seeing and hearing you each month…I love you and what you have to say…you inspire me!
I just have to learn to believe in myself more and become stronger…having a birthdate of 22/12/1953=25=7 I found it pretty difficult at times fiinding it difficult to ask for help and thinking I could do it all alone! -
Nat @ Nat's Numbers
Isn’t it crazy how accurate the numbers are? I am sending you so much support to follow that blissful and meaningful path. You don’t have to do it alone – and as a 7 Life Path you are called to do it with the Divine at your feet.
Priscilla Oehlschlaeger
I have a friend that is so judgemental. She recently told me two days in a row that My clothes smell like mold. I was shocked. I do Costume Design and I have a meticulous way of washing and ironing or steaming my clothes. I work with Children in several Camp’s and this has been such a great year. I have had very little time to get together with this person. Her life is so intertwined with other friend’s business. I don’t look forward hearing other friend’s personal business. Sensitive? You bet . Cleared out my closet and gave away most of my clothes. If I smelled like mold I am sure the kid’s would tell me. Funny. Ready to leave this person behind. I welcome the 11. She is a number Six. I am a Seven.
Nat @ Nat's Numbers
We are ALL feeling it. And you and I will redirect our energies together. <3 Big hugs
Crying- it’s like you were speaking directly to me. This is so right on. I had strayed away from the path I was on in my career and didn’t know why. This nailed it for me. Can’t stop crying. Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Ashley Duffy
I loved this Nat! As always you’re spot on. I’m curious if since it’ll be an 11 month does being an 11 life path make it more intense? Or does it have any significance? Also are you still doing 1 on 1 sessions?
Nat @ Nat's Numbers
Oh yessss it makes things more intense for you! Higher level of sensitivity (and possibly anxiety) at first, that then segues into deeper alignment and focus. 😉 And yes to one-on-one’s! Just click on the ‘work with me’ page or email me. BIGGG hugs!
I already had another “moment,” Nat. I was just made to wait two hours for strawberry rhubarb pie that turned out to be store-bought and disgusting, So, not only am I working on my screenplay, but I’m back on my diet. Go me!
Michael Jones
After listening to you today I now understand why I’ve been so emotional an selfish recently, you’ve put everything into perspective for me. I’ve been putting everyone needs and wants first, I’ve been doing a job to make sure I have the resources available to help others, but I just recently decided I need to get back to doing what I love and what makes me happy. As a 8 Life Path I’ve decided to step back into that leadership role.
i love all your messages! this one has hit home harder than usual and has motivated me. thank you.
Hello Nat,
We adore you as well! Just a quick thank you! I took a huge leap of faith in late June/early July to not follow a good job offer. I chose not to, because I didn’t want to be distracted from accomplishing my goal to build my own nonprofit. I have had a few moments of doubt or questioning if I made the right choice. Thank you for this reminder. Many blessings!
love this podcast! Thank you so much for sharing it. I would love to request a check-in on 2019 episode so that we can really re-focus and use the last three months of the year to accomplish what this year is all about.
Nat @ Nat's Numbers
Great idea, Nisi! And you know what? Perfect timing! The upcoming September forecast (because it is a 3 month in a 3 year) is going to be a review/recentering of the 3 so we can go out with a bang in 2019! Coming soon… 😉