November’s 2021 Numerology Guide: The Magic of Surrender

We have all reached that point in our journey where we’re confused, stuck or a tad bit lost; where we’re questioning why we’re doing what we’re doing in the first place. This 7 Universal Month has arrived to help.

In this month’s guide learn:

  • Why LETTING GO is the key to success this month
  • The signs of being ‘brought to our knees’ (and WHY IT’S A GOOD SIGN)
  • And a 4 step process to truly surrender and be guided by the magic of the Universe

The November Numerology Challenge: 4 Steps to Surrender


  1. Regroup and recommit to the desire or dream on your heart. Say it out loud to yourself, ‘I most want to create _______.”
  2. Ask for help. Admit that you don’t know, by ASKING for help. ‘Please, help me. Give me guidance, clarity and support. What do I do next?’
  3. Listen. Find a space for solitude and peace, where you can actually HEAR the whispers of inspiration that come to you. They will be wild and gentle thoughts, but ones that warm your soul.
  4. Act. Your Cosmic Best Friend can’t force you to act. Once you receive that little thought of inspiration, you have to be the one who is brave enough to follow through on it, in real life.

Spiritual people aren’t born that way. Spiritual people – people who have a magic about them; who seem to be supported in miraculous ways – are people who have learned how to repetitively lean into this bigger and greater energy. That is the work this month. That is our magic.

TO DONATE AND SUPPORT THIS WORK: <<<CLICK HERE>>> (Thank you for your support!)

WANNA WORK WITH ME? Click HERE to book a session or a program. <3

BIG, warm hugs…

P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you need extra support this month. And head over to my YouTube channel where I am posting a Numerology video every Friday morning!

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


17 comments to " November’s 2021 Numerology Guide: The Magic of Surrender "

  • Lea Centauri

    Nat….oh boy….I was so needing to hear this….it’s been rough. Thanks with all my love for an answer to my question….”where am I?”. I have to laugh when I say that…maybe because I ‘m just moving toward the answers…and I need to know how……love you..

  • Doug Smith

    What you say is usually true, but this is the truest of all. I’ve moved so far away from my original values and the things that got me excited, and I so badly need to get back home. Thank you so much for saying this.

  • Katie Maniaci

    Hi Nat! Happy Halloween! I am all about leaning into this month. Last month, I definitely felt abandoned. I had a whole house of people teasing me about what I need and want most. I decided to stop telling people what I want, stop asking permission, and just go for it. I think I already know what that next step might be. My body has been telling me for weeks now. I have to stop talking myself out of it. Thanks for the encouragement!

  • Lori

    Beautiful, grounding and as always right on time!! Sending you love.

  • Andrea

    Thank you for this amazing guidance. I can certainly identify with seeking answers and asking for the next step. I appreciate the insights offered by this podcast greatly as with this advice I can actually see a path through the chaos. I am very grateful. Many blessings. ?

  • Poppy

    Wow, this is my 3rd time listening to this message. Where do I start… I wrote and self published a book through Lulu Press. I started this June, finished and submitted it August 29th. I’d actually given myself until mid Oct. However, there were plenty of circumstances and synchronicities that grounded me.. Landlocked me into my apt since the end of June. I actually had No choice but to complete 4 years of notes and produce a devotional book. . I anchored myself to the quote you shared about discipline. (freedom is not the path to freedom, discipline is the path to freedom) this was on my bathroom mirror for the past few months. . Next I stood on last months energy of nurturing it and Overcoming the the Push Pull Scary vulnerable forcing energy of my chart Full of 3’s Demanding I text friends and family to announce it. I like to hide and be a hermit as it’s felt more safe .. 3 life path 3 express number DOB 12/30/1977… I was so damn scared to Speak about it. However I pushed myself to share it on social media, explain the premise of the book etc etc,. I really engage with ppl … all the nurturing scary stuff I’d been holding back on. I went Hard for a month plus, there has been some great feedback and I was received surprisingly well. . However last week I hit a ceiling, I started to run outta gas and demand to see some crops come up from the past few months of pouring my soul out. I could feel myself getting desperate and demanding. Heather magic was fading .. my creativity was too. I welcome November’s message as it couldn’t have come at a better time. I’m exhausted and depleted. However I know for sure I get those morning whispers and downloads when I’m still. It always blows me away. Like wow, my cosmic best friend really speaks to me and I can hear ???. . Today I deleted a few distractions. Got some supplements to nurture my body and I shall rest and Lean into Surrender. As of today I’ve sold over 100 copies of my book . I had know idea it would be so well received and supported. You’re work always resonates with me Nat. However this past few months your messages have been my life line. Literally shifting my reality and helping me build courage and confidence. Love ya Nat! ?

  • Bryan

    You are simply Amazing!
    What stuck out for me is to surrender!

  • Patty Ann

    Nat, thanks for this month’s inspired message. What struck me the most–because I very much needed the reminder–was reaching out to the Zero. That it needs our connection and friendship. Beautifully said. I love your course on the Zero, and I am SO looking forward to your forthcoming book!

  • Nina

    Thank you for the wisdom and inspiration you share?

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