May 2021 Numerology Guide: Play the Part

Lol. We said we wanted change, right? For life to get better? Well hold on tight, because here it comes.

In this month’s guide learn:

  • The specific kind of new beginning that is in store for us
  • Why being resistant to change can backfire BIG TIME
  • And how to embrace this transformation (and attract new paychecks, relationships, and states of being) with the May Numerology Challenge!

The May Numerology Challenge: 5-4-3-2-1, Play the Part


  1. Who do you WANT to be? List out their habits, qualities, traits and ways of being. Print it out and have it handy where you can see it every morning.
  2. When you feel nervous, when you experience self-doubt, when you feel stuck or scared… remind yourself of your list above and say, ‘5-4-3-2-1, PLAY THE PART!’ Step into the role of the new self, as if you are being paid to be them in a movie. What would THEY do?

And then watch what happens. Watch as a new beginning unfolds before your eyes.

What are your favorite qualities of your new self? And what might be the first move to make as this new character? I would love to hear the deets in the comments below!

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WANNA WORK WITH ME? Click HERE to book a session or a program. Email me with any questions. <3

BIG, warm hugs…

P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you need extra support this month. And head over to my YouTube channel where I am posting a Numerology video every Friday morning!

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.



11 comments to " May 2021 Numerology Guide: Play the Part "

  • Katie

    Hi Nat! Happy May! I am all about this new beginning this month. Today was my last physical therapy session, and I got the green light to (safely and slowly) get back to my regular workout. I also smiled today upon finding an old video of my high school crush, my first love, on YouTube. I’ve always carried a torch for him, and it was wonderful seeing him how he was back when we first met. I’m hoping to work up the courage to actually send him a friend request on Facebook. I’m not sure if he even remembers me after all these years. But that video was a nice surprise last night. 54321…get some balls, Katie. I don’t want to be the shy, geeky freshmen I was back when I met him. I hope next month that I can report that I’m closer to getting the love of my life back.

  • Carolyn

    Be comfortable with asking for what I need / want and not people pleasing my way about interactions.
    Being comfortable in my own feet and not feeling awkward…I am a child of the divine ~ my spirit sparkles!
    I want my alignment to be my north star and guide my true self and soul through the journey it came here
    to make…

  • Lia

    Hi nat… totally ready for new beginnings! Today was the last day of my job! ? so now there is space for so many new opportunities… I know who this new self looks like and what I want to do… ready to receive!

    • Nat @ Nat's Numbers

      Congrats on the last day of your job! So excited for all the possibilities before you. <3

  • So feeling this transformational energy – as usual, it is like you read my mind! I’ve even created a new pseudonym, I feel like a completely different person in the making. Embracing playing the part✨ My art is transforming along with my identity, all change!

  • Sarah Janik

    Standing in my confidence as a medium. Using my confidence in my gifts and owning them. Connecting with more people and truly enjoying them!

  • Katie Maniaci

    Me again. Guess who finally inquired about getting contact lenses today, after wearing glasses since she was 14? This girl! I’m a little bit scared of touching my eye, but excited to finally see myself without glasses.

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