July’s 2022 Numerology Guide: 4 Obstacles Away…

This number is, in all honesty, feared…

But that’s only because it’s misunderstood.

The 13. A key to sustainable success and thriving… and it comes perfectly on time.

In this month’s guide learn:

  • Why this 13 Universal Month is often misunderstood and resisted…
  • A key to accessing SUSTAINABLE success and joy moving forward…
  • Why the thematic/number of this month was embraced and COVETED in the ancient world
  • And clarity on how to leave July feeling more confident, dedicated and magically INVINCIBLE than ever before…

Your Notes for Being Successful in July

What if you were just 4 obstacles away from what you wanted? Create an obstacle countdown, where you down the number 4 on a piece of paper and countdown to 0 as you overcome obstacles for your dream or desire. If you need help getting excited, use the following as journal prompts. 

  • What is your relationship to obstacles? What story do you tell about them and/or yourself?
  • Are there specific kinds of obstacles do you get triggered by or recoil from? If so, what are they?
  • How might you approach these obstacles differently, where you actually look forward to them, and have fun with solving them creatively?

BECOME A PATREON MEMBER: If you want to go deeper and receive some extra support with the above, you can become a Patreon member for $5/month. By the 15th of each month you will receive a bonus episode, where I provide a prayer/meditation/riff to deepen and further activate the number we’re working with. Click here to become a Patreon member now. 

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WANNA WORK WITH ME? Click HERE to book an intro session or a intensive coaching program with me. I can’t wait to meet you and support you in sharing your gifts with the world. <3

BIG, warm hugs…

P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you need extra support this month. And head over to my YouTube channel where there is lots of free content!

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


7 comments to " July’s 2022 Numerology Guide: 4 Obstacles Away… "

  • Katie Maniaci

    Hi Nat! Missed you last month! The 13/4 has definitely never been my favorite number. I’m a 4 Life Path, and I’ve been overcoming obstacle after obstacle since the moment I was born. We’re talking having brain surgery within hours of birth, then wearing braces on my legs until I was 13. Now, I’m trying to get rid of a year-long case of lymphedema (chronic swelling) on the right side of my body. Started in my arm, then spread to my leg. Not fun. I’m seeing a plastic surgeon in September to see what he can do to solve the problem. I’m also busting my ass in the gym to lose weight again. Weight loss is supposed to really help. Doctors tell you weight loss is the solution to everything. Lucky for me, I actually enjoy working out. Thanks for the reminder to stop taking so many “rest days” and get off my ass to solve this problem.

  • Danielle Anjou

    Oh brilliant Nat, so so helpful. I so needed this right now.??

  • Melodie

    Thx Nat! We had an intro session 4/5 years ago and you told me i was 13/4 when i thought i was a22/4. You helped me embrace my 13/4 and i took my accomplishments to a whole new level with so much more fun and joy! You totally are a master teacher numerologist philosopher and sage. Much love!

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