The Enemy Hidden in Your Numerology Chart (That Can Sabotage Your Business and Calling)

What would happen if you could unmask the arch-nemesis of your calling? If you could take your power back from the enemy that keeps undermining your precious and sweet light and calling in your business?

When I shared this with a client last month, it blew her mind and in her words “clarified a block that I had in my business for years.’ lol. So, I decided to turn it into a full-on masterclass for you guys here on the Numerology Chick podcast.

Here is what we are going to cover:

  • Why your biggest blocks in business and visibility often come from a hidden “antagonist” in your Numerology chart.
  • How this enemy isn’t just an abstract concept—it’s a real person (or symbolic figure) from your past who shaped your fears and self-doubt.
  • The unique antagonist tied to your Expression Number and how it keeps you playing small. (And why certain doubts, fears, and hesitations in your business aren’t actually yours—but were planted by this enemy.)
  • How to recognize the whispers of this antagonist and break free from their influence.
  • Plus, grab my free Numerology Enemy Workbook to go deeper and dismantle these blocks for good!

Truly, if there was one episode to listen to, to clarify how you might want to tweak your business, messaging or offers this year for massive growth THIS IS IT.

Show notes

  1. Here is the calculator to decode your core numbers (pull and pay attention to your ‘expression number’ for THIS masterclass): 
  2. DOWNLOAD the “Neutralize Your Enemy (& Unlock Your True Voice in Business) WORKBOOK here!
  3. Book a Success Numbers Audit with me, if you want a spiritual bestie who can help you own your magic and take your legacy work and business to new levels.


~ Your Spiritual Coach & Numerologist, Nat

P.S. WANNA WORK WITH ME & MANIFEST NEXT-LEVEL INCOME AND IMPACT. And send me a message if you have any questions on the work.

P.P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook so we can stay in touch.

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


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