The Dark Side of your Numerology and where loads of yummy success is lying-in-wait in your chart (Part 1 in the Shadow Series)

I am so flippin excited to introduce the series this month. 😀

We are going to be diving into Numerology’s uncanny accuracy in predicting how we sabotage our success and slow-our-roll in bringing our light into the world.

Here in Part 1, we are going to cover:

  • What the shadow side or dark side is… and why it is even a thing in our life and journey
  • 2 mind bending perspectives shifts on the shadow side of your Numerology that are essential before you dive into your blocks (these concepts alone can help you bust through boulders that have been around for years or even decades)…
  • And some examples from my private coaching practice of what the shadow side might look like for 7’s and 3’s in Numerology (don’t worry we will cover ALL numbers in Part 2!) – and why they actually SERVE us and our next-level goals and callings!

Links referenced in the episode:

BIG hugs…

~ Your Spiritual Coach & Numerologist, Nat

P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook so we can stay in touch.

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


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