Pivot, transform and elevate your business (and life) in 3 days with the magical number 5

If you are experiencing ANY of the following symptoms in your business or life, this episode is RIGHT ON TIME for you:

  • Drudgery and boredom
  • Loss of passion or inspiration
  • Dreading Monday’s 
  • Survival or lack (what used to work and create results is not working anymore and you are freakin out!)
  • Obstacle after obstacle is showing up
  • The loss of opportunity and feeling like doors keep closing for you

I am going to reveal a simple yet POWERFUL 3-day challenge that will help you unearth what is holding you back so you can increase passion, fun and abundance again. 😉

The 3 Day Pivot & Elevate Your Business Challenge

1 simple assignment per day to start to see your business elevate and transform, when it’s been so stuck

Day 1 > Elevate your vision

What if your business and professional life could get even better? What if you could tweak things, so that they are more exciting and fun?

  • Ask yourself and journal on: “How can I make my business, lifestyle., schedule feel even better? How could I customize and reinvent things so I can have Christmas morning excitement looking forward to my workweek, day, and life?”

*** Reminder >>> the things that are required to elevate your income and impact (after feeling stuck for so long) are usually super simple tweaks of adding in fun and anticipation again.

Journal on the above and/or create a vision board. Create a desires list, where you write out the dream business, company, day or schedule in a bullet point list. But the goal is this: feel excited again!

Day 2 > Elevate your mind

  • List out all of the reasons that you think you can’t or shouldn’t have the above, or that if you DID manifest it, all the bad things would come. 
  • And then, make it your job to disprove each of the above as the lies that they are. Why might these NOT be true? 

Day 3 > Elevate your action 

Choose 1 inspired, BOLD action that gets you out of your comfort zone, that aligns with your elevated vision. 

If you do the above here in June, you WILL start to see the flow of inspiration come back. And if you stick with it, and cycle through it a couple of times you will witness the power of the 5 – the revival of fun and abundance.

Links referenced in the episode:

BIG hugs…

~ Your Spiritual Coach & Numerologist, Nat

P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook so we can stay in touch.

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


2 comments to " Pivot, transform and elevate your business (and life) in 3 days with the magical number 5 "

  • Oh my goodness! This came at the perfect time for me! I have been seeing angel numbers 444 and 555 for at least a year now. I’ve also felt stuck and stagnant in life and business and have been trying to figure out what I need to change or shift. I feel as if I’m blocked…or that I’m blocking myself somehow.
    I’m looking forward to doing the exercises in your podcast to get things moving again!
    Thank you! 🙂

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