Success Numbers Audit

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Hey you! I am so happy that you are here!

If you are experiencing doubt or confusion in your career or professional life…

If you feel like you no longer have (or never did have) that magnetism and ability to manifest what you want in business…

And if you just feel so blocked on finding your true voice and deeper body of work…

The Success Numbers Audit session could be just what you have been praying for.

I have designed this 50 minute phone session, to solve the biggest problem that I see with blocked and lost professionals: not knowing who they REALLY are.

By decoding the 2 most powerful numbers in your Numerology chart, you can unearth your deeper calling and your greatest gifts, so you can finally move through that block of confusion, the fear of standing out or the feeling that you are hiding in plain sight.

Having an audit of your numbers might:

  • Help you attract more customers or clients (because you tap back into your divine confidence)
  • Help you gain clarity on who you best serve and why
  • Validate EXACTLY why you haven’t been able to move forward on that one path (and should pivot to another)
  • Land media gigs or new opportunities (because you realize that what you thought you should hide, is actually what the world needs from you)
  • Or feel so rooted in that new body of work, or your TRUE voice, so you can share your thought-leadership with your industry in big and glorious ways

I have seen how my client’s lives have changed (and how they have doubled or tripled their income and impact) by becoming aware of and being who they REALLY are.

And because of this, I have decided to open up a monthly scholarship to give back to my Numerology Chick audience and spread the word of this work.

The details:

I will choose 1 applicant per month to have a 50 minute Success Numbers Audit Phone session, where we unearth EXACTLY why you are at a ceiling of impact and success, Sherlock-Holmes-style.

You must fill out the application to be entered to win.

This scholarship is for you if:

  • You are a professional who is at a ceiling of income, impact or joy
  • Maybe you feel like a “black-sheep” professional, that you are hiding in plain sight… and you just have not yet tapped into your true voice and legacy yet
  • You want to uncover the deeper reason of why you are here, and what your true, divine gifts are, so you can get busy spreading your light in the world
  • And you are ready to create success that is finally aligned (where you actually get to be paid for being who you really are) 

click the link below to apply  for next-level clarity

I will choose a winner by the 22nd of every month. 😉 And if you have already applied in a previous month, your application will automatically be considered the following month (if you are the right fit).

Apply Now

Ready to unearth next-level impact and wealth?

Click the link below to access the APPLICATION. 👇 Set aside some time to answer these questions thoughtfully. I cannot wait to get to read through it and get to know you more.

Apply Now

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